Tuesday 14 April 2015

Week 10 - Reference Collection and Head Turn start

This week, I began progress on the last 2 animations, the character turning to face behind him after being called, and the animation of the character pulling out a gun and shooting it. I began by collecting reference using a quick-shutter camera to get multiple pictures in quick succession. I find this more useful than a video as this way I can study each part of the animation in detail and base my keyframes off of them. First up, the head turn.

It seemed reasonably straightforward to me at the time and so I decided to begin this animation first. However, I'm currently struggling with it. The head turn to the right is easy enough, but getting the turn to the left to work well is far more difficult. Because I'm turning the rig 180 degrees, it starts to have errors. I think that I have to rotate the base instead but that could case issues in itself. I plan to get help from classmates or my lecturer on this though so I don't think it will be a big problem.

My head turn animation so far

Next are the gun shooting reference photos. These were done in the same way. I haven't started this animation yet but it seems fairly simple to me, however I've thought that way about many of my animations and been proven wrong so time will tell. Time is running out in the semester so I shall be increasing my work speed whilst hopefully maintaining the level of quality I'm aiming for.

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