Monday 20 April 2015

Week 12 - Head turn

This week I started by creating the head turn animation. I was struggling with this previously and I couldn't work out how was best to do this motion. On my previous attempt I though it was best to spin the whole rig around as I found the limbs kept glitching in on themselves when turning them. This time I approached the animation differently. I broke down the movement of the legs using my reference and my mimicking the motion in the mirror. The reason I started with my legs was that if I could get these down, I figured the arms and torso would simply be moving with the bottom of the rig. I focused on using the feet controllers, knee controllers and hip controller to do this section. There was 4 more main steps to get right in this animation. I've taken screenshots of each bit below.

Looks right and takes a step out whilst spinning hips

Returns right foot then does the same motion to the other left

Moves right foot around whilst turning on grounded foot

Plants feet in position

After this, the rest of the animation was quite straightforward. The head twists but this wasn't difficult to do as it acts very independently of the rest of the rig. The shoulders were a little glitch-y however. I sorted out that issue by manually key-framing them at certain points to make sure they continue facing outwards. Overall I was pleased with how this animation came out.

One of the keyframes

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