Friday 24 April 2015

Finished Animation!

This week I have finished my animation. So from my previous post where I had just finished my final animation, I then moved onto creating the rendered videos of mine and Lukes rigs. First, here is the final video we produced.

First of all I checked over my current animations. One thing I had neglected was consistency involving the gun which should have been in has back pocket/hand throughout each animation so I first did this before moving on. I also added a tiny bit more detail to facial animations as it was something that I neglected a little at the first. Following this, Luke gave me his animations (named appropriately so I could recognize which file was which) along with a base level to sit the animation in. Whilst simple, it makes the animations easier to place in a real world situation.

The animation work area

Following this I would bring in the rigs I would need for each shot in order that they appeared in the animation. Each time I would setup my camera and then batch render the frames I needed. Following this, I took these into Adobe Premiere and added the new video to the animation. In this way the animation took place. After getting all the video in, Luke provided me with some music that he had collected together whilst I was working on the rendering. I added this into 4 audio tracks within the Premiere editor and exported the video and voila, the animation was done! 

I feel that, whilst I didn't spend as much time as I could have done, the work I produced was good. Animation isn't my forte so I'm happy with what I made and the processes I've learnt within the module.

ALSO here is the animatic which hasn't been posted.

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