Saturday 18 April 2015

Week 11 - Gun shooting animation

This week, I completed the gun shooting animation. Whilst I started the head turn animation last week, I hit a creative block with it and decided to start this one instead. I started by breaking up the animation into smaller chunks. I focused initially on the character pulling the gun out of his back pocket first. I made a basic gun to use for the animation and placed it on his back. When he goes to grab the gun, the one on his back has its visibility turned off whilst a second gun that is placed in his hand and parented to the wrist controller has its visibility turned on. This took a little while to get right as at first you could see a small movement when one appeared and one disappeared. Once I lined the guns up perfectly though, it worked fine. It's quite a sneaky method of animation and I can definitely understand why it is used as this saved me a lot of time. 

I then focused on getting a natural swing from having his arm behind his back up to when he's pointing the gun in front of him. This wasn't too difficult due to my reference that I took last week. I then focused on the shooting stage of the animation. Luckily, I was sitting with a friend who takes part in airsoft quite regularly who gave me great advice on how the recoil would affect the man. After the shot is taken, the wrist quite sharply pulls back, the forearm raises slightly, the shoulders rock back as do the hips. Then getting the gun back into position takes slightly longer than taking the shot does.

After this, I simply smoothed out the animation, added some facial expression etc. Next week I have a lot of work to do still, with 1 animation not being finished and the rendering needing to be done still. However, with my other modules being more or less finished I have a lot more time and as such I think that I will be able to finish the module with work that I'm happy with.

The animation

Close up of the shooting animation

The gun swap - Visibility on

Visibility off

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