Monday 23 March 2015

Week 6 - New Idle

This week, I began my new project with Luke. I worked on setting up my new rig first. The character was meant to look fairly normal so it was quite similar to the initial rig that you have, just with a different hair style and a little more muscled to give him more of an 'action' feel to him. As for the idle animation itself, it was very similar to my first idle animation except putting into practice my new knowledge of keyframes and smooth animating. It doesn't convey much character and the face has very little done to it at this stage but the body is animated smoothly. I decided that I would focus on adding character at the end once everything is done to a passable extent. 

The New Rig in the Idle pose

Luke this week was focused on creating his own rig and refining the storyboard more. So far the project seems to be going well. Next week, I plan to create the walk cycle though I am a little worried about how smoothly it will go considering my problems on the previous rig. 

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