Monday 23 March 2015

Week 5 - Change of Project and Group

This week had some major changes for my animation module. After looking over my groups progress, me and Luke (one of the members in my group) decided that we were worried about the progress of the team. Our other team mates had only really created Idle animations despite being so far into the project and Luke didn't like the project idea we had. After a bit of discussion between us, we spoke to the module leader and decided to pair up and create a new project with just us two.

I was happy with this for a number of reasons. Luke is a hard worker and also a skilled animator, meaning that I can trust him to do his part of the project. He is also a talented traditional artist meaning that creating an animatic and storyboard for a new project would not take long at all. Luke wanted to this for similar reasons (except I'm not known for being a particularly strong animator) and also wanted to swap the project to something a little more interact-able between the rigs.

We discussed what we wanted to create. I wanted to ditch super powers completely and work with basic humans as I didn't feel comfortable going away from this. I also didn't want the rigs to interact physically, like in a fist fight. This was because I felt it would be difficult for two people to work with such closely interact-able characters. We came up with a basic idea (Luke had already been thinking about this). Luke began sketching it quickly and by the end of the session we had a basic storyboard.

The Basic Storyboard 

Following this, we decided that Luke would animate the bad guy whilst I did the good guy. This is because Luke had already created a basic vaulting animation which is one of the key animations so it would save him work. 

We decided to plan it out well this time. Luke volunteered to create the animatic whilst I laid out what animations we would need. The animations I need are: Idle cycle, Walk cycle, Run cycle, Pulling out a gun and shooting, Sigh cycle and a head twist along with a small section of lip sync. Whilst I had to change my rig for this project, I did get to a lot of the same animations as I had previously done so I felt reasonably confident going into it. First I will create the idle before moving onto the walk cycle. 

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