Monday 26 January 2015

Week 1 - Idle/Breathing

This week we started our 3D animation for games module. Initially we went over the brief. In groups we are to produce a video showcasing animations that we have created. Everyone must create 6 animations and have 4 of these placed in the video. The animations must use a human rig of some kind.

Following this we did some recapping of what we have learnt in previous animation modules including some of the basic principles of animation. I then began to form a group with people I trust to get the work done to a high standard. I ended up within a group of Gabby, Luke and Matt which I was happy with.

Next we worked on what we thought our videos theme should be as random animations wouldn't mesh together interestingly. We ended up deciding on creating superheros. The reason for this is that each creators animations can then over-exaggerate certain animations making them more interesting and giving them a character if you would. I got the role of creating the super strong character which I was happy with, it's reasonably straightforward and I can act out the animations in real life for reference.

My first animation I have attempted is an idle/breathing animation. I began by getting the rig into a pose before animating the shoulders, the chest and the hips one by one. For reference I looked at the following video: For the most part it's quite easy, the body simply straightens when breathing in before sinking down when breathing out. I think my animation is okay but I can't quite get it to repeat smoothly and want to get my groups opinions on it tomorrow. The next animation I will do will be either a walk cycle or an extended idle animation.